Phasing back into a different timezone is no easy task. But it's something I can get used to. It's not impossible, just take things slower at this end of the world. My first bowl of breakfast oatmeal to start off my new term and an apple, thank heavens Wing had some fruits to share. Did not have the mood for groceries at all. Too tired and jetlagged to budge.

Tried to have a go at making black bean noodles using red beans instead, I have to say..DON'T DO THIS BACK HOME. The recipe needs some more tweaking before I can officially render it a success. Knew I should have gone with the porridge with red beans instead. Ah well, it was all in my stomach anyway. At least the tank has been filled :)
One of the brighter sides to staying overseas are the abundant fresh fruits that I'm spoiled for choice :) Gorgeous strawberries for a quid. Oh, how I've missed these little gems. I feel the powerful antioxidants flowing in me already :D

My second attempt for dinner *despite my sulking mood and the night before's failed attempt* A typical korean seaweed and doenjjang jiggae with scallops and various veggies. My own added twist, smoked back bacon :) Plus with the glass noodles, made the one pot dinner worth a hundred quid.
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