Friday, 20 January 2012

Celeriac , So Foreign~

So, I bought a fancy new vegetable which I never heard of before until I watched one of my numerous favourite cooking programs. Can't remember exactly which, was it Jamie Oliver? Or Nigel Slater? Or Nigella? Gizzy? Gordon? Too many to count..

The vegetable's called celeriac, and it's basically the root of a celery. It's ugly and knobbly but it smells and tastes wonderful! Just like celery! here's a link to know more about the vegetable. I'm so tired and sick of explaining what this odd vegetable is to my friends. Did it to at least 4 and not even including my family. Argh..I'm not a patient person obviously and I get agitated more quickly with lack of sleep.

Initially, I planned to mash the celeriac to make a smooth porridge with my rice flakes. But, I think I haven't boiled it til it was crumbly soft enough so it ended up being slightly bit more chunky. I didn't mind it though, a little extra texture in my porridge wouldn't hurt my teeth and gums. 

Look at that fluffy white rice flake porridge, they look so heavenly~ Alongside my well-aged fermented kimchi too. Perfect merry! It was a simple anchovy porridge with vegetables with no added seasonings. Seriously, the anchovies were potent enough to flavour the whole bowl of porridge, I need not even add any pepper or salt or soysauce. Ultimate healthy remedy to take note of the next time I do catch a cold. *touchwood*

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