And here comes the lesser boring part of my miserable Uni life *miserable implies the study bit* There comes a time when us, as students need an occassion to gather and share some heartfelt giggles and jokes, but most importantly having good food to share with each other. Hence, *checks calendar* Mooncake Festival! :) Twas a time for merriment~ 
And since it was a potluck, I thought it be best for me to make some easy but pleasing to the eye party nibbles. Hence, my usual Korean pa-jeon! Just like how I used to make back home, only in that recipe I had potatoes. Today, I had to cross that out. Damn bad weather! :( Just can't go grocery shopping as I please, and also because I just got back from grocery shopping previously and FORGOT. Sue me..
So, instead I just used carrots, onions and plenty of herbs and turmeric to season these pancakes well. It turned out alright, but could have been much better improved if I had the ingredients proportioned right. Anyway, they all enjoyed it. Enough said! :)
One of our many chicken dishes tonight, is the very famous Ayam Masak Merah by my bestie Prista. She definitely brought on some much needed "kick" into this chicken, though I would have preferred it to be spicier with the chilly weather. Overall, I'd give it a 9 out of 10 :)
Another chicken dish! :D Roasted chicken with sweet glaze. Compliments to the owners of the house aka The Three Smurfs
Also, out chinese version of a "salad", the very simple yet so home-reminicent of our mother's/ grandmother's blanched/stir-fried veggies. Simple yet comforting dish :)
What's a Mooncake Festival without the mooncakes?
Steamed Choc Cupcakes in the form of our famous Malaccan dessert. :)
Picture of the Day!
Compliments to my dear Prista for the photo and Jojo for the fan-ta-bulous gift! :)
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