Once again, I'm behind my usual posting schedule. But I have a very valid reason for this! Hear me out. Workload piling up! With the new term starting, I'm setting aside a few "resolutions" for a better year ahead. Being organized being one of them. Hence, the "notes writing" frenzy everyday after lectures. I know, that's such an entertaining life I lead. Hmph. 
With my time taken most of the time, I have less free time to ponder about what to eat with any enthusiasm since what's left of my ability is to just EAT and not think of HOW to make it happen. With all these just happening at the spur of the moment. Don't blame me for failing to make a bold appearance with my meals. Still need some time to work on my swing.Today, I tried making japchae with what's left of my green peppers. PS - Needs oyster sauce for sweetness *checks pantry* Oh! We're out :( No wonder it tasted a bit off!
On the brighter note, my pork ribs stew turned out absolutely fab! :D Tastes every bit like a proper stew. Wing enjoyed it, compliment enough for me! ;)
Who'd knew I would manage to find short pork ribs here that were un-seasoned. Just my luck to have found them at half priced in Tesco's. Basically paid about 2.30quid for at least 800g of pork ribs. Oooh..Just wonderful~ I'm in pork heaven now x)
Sweet note~ Pork rib stew. Sour note~ All out of essential chinese condiments! :(
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