While my egg cake was baking away, I thought I should grab this oven opportunity to bake something else. Like some baked eggs! Dad's been raving about it since I uploaded it on the blog. So here is another version done, using cheese *as requested from the brothers and mom included* broccoli and to top it off with a pretty finish, slice of carrot :) 
Friday, 29 June 2012
Chiffon Turned Sponge Cake
Got back home and my dad wanted me to make them Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes. But I screwed up with the separating part and my egg whites were slightly contaminated with some dribble of yolks already. Boo! :( But no fret, I still made a good spongecake at the end. So it was flashback to every chinese kid's memory again, the famous zhi dan gao :D Essentially egg-cake we call it. Hehe..It was a success, and my dad enjoys it :) Brothers, mum as well~
Laurence holding out his black bottom sponge :) I did two types, 3 as marbled and another 3 such - Black bottomed with cocoa! Yum! Creativity at its best :)
Monday, 25 June 2012
Procrastinating with Cooking
It was my last day in Sunderland, before heading back to Malaysia. Guess what? Haven't packed yet! :D Oh so typical.. I was thinking of what to do with my fish in the freezer before leaving, so Rainbow Tout it was..For lunch today! And, I've always wanted to bake these beautiful large mushrooms to see how they turn out. I tend to stew them in soups and I find it such a waste for their true flavour and potential :( So..BAKE!
Again, I "steamed" the fish using foil in the oven. This time with the rainbow trout, and wine. Lush and decadent I call it. Now, to prepare some baked beef patties for the dinner crowd! Next post :)
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Fishies are Yummy :)
Had to finish my food stock before leaving UK, so here is a posh lunch. Chinese style Steamed Fish Fillet with wine and ginger :) Was watching Cooking with Gok on BBC iPlayer with my mother and I just got the inspiration to try out this very simple recipe, only I did it without a steamer. Wrapped in foil and then pop in the oven instead. Same reaction, only different machinery ;) 
And right here, I have the same type of fish and in porridge! Just like the Taiwanese style porridge I had in Taipei :) Yummmmmyy. Mum approves and so does Wing :)
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
A First for Rainbow Trouts
Being jetlagged in KL, sucks.. Thought I slept early so I could get a jumpstart tomorrow. But..failed. Slept at 10.30pm and woke up by 12am! Dx This is the time I cook dinner back in Sunderland. Damn! My pineal gland is so screwed! Okayy..Flashback time! I remember I was tired of moving stuff in the new house and wasn't up for anything during dinner. STRANGE~ I always look forward to dinner. But circumstances came..and there it was..I steamed the rainbow trout with veggies after marinating for about 2 days. Should've eaten it the day before but ended having starbucks for dinner =.= Not exactly what I call dinner but it was food and it was night. So..DINNER. For this particular day, it was steamed fish and some blanched white cabbage with korean chilli powder. So simple and not flashy. Not something I will do everyday :( I like showing off xD
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