Monday, 2 April 2012

Faked Mince Meat with Kimchi Noodles

So, while my brownies were in the oven, I started prepping for my dinner. Busy day at the kitchen xD Gosh, what would readers think of me now. Ah well, it's nothing wrong with finding the kitchen therapeutic. Nope. Not at ALL :D
So, I wanted to make some green curry with my broccoli but I ended up having the mindset to "FINISH THE KIMCHI" since it's only left a bit more and I wanted to utilize those kimchi juices. Filled with friendly probiotic bacteria, too bad I killed them though with the cooking process. Ah well, that was some good Kimchi stew though. Had em' with noodles and then added to final touch, some mashed up Quorn sausage. So it looks like mince meat xD Epic substitute.

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