Monday, 20 February 2012

Humiliated with Meehoon.

Disappoinment...Utter disappoinment..
Didn't know it was virtually possible to screw up on friggin Meehoon. It's such a simple thing to work with and there I screwed it up. But luckily it tasted good, so it was still managed to be salvaged. I still ate it nonetheless. Sigh..Here's my dinner attempt for Korean Kimchi Meehoon with cucumbers cubes at the side with anchovies. 

But, on the positive note..I got myself a pair of new sneakers. And at a fairly reasonable reduced price for Adidas actually. Couldn't help myself since it was the last pair with my size. Clearly it was a sign and I have been looking for these sort of high top shoes. So, hooooorahhhh~~ *throws confetti*

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