Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Squash Pumpkin Porridge and Lettuce Wraps

So I was in the library on a Sunday. No big..It's JUST Sunday. Dx There goes my social life down the drain. What was I doing there? Practising for my stupid OSCE preparation. Mine's on a Wednesday morning. Grand~
I came back by 5pm today since it's after all a Sunday AND Wing was not feeling well to the point that she had to call me to get her some hot water. I was in the library that time =.= So being a good friend, I came back as soon as possible. She almost called an ambulance to come get her. I thought that was a bit over-exaggerating.
I cooked my dinner and saved aside a small bowl of it in case she comes out sniffing for food. She claimed she wasn't hungry at the time. I had squash porridge with carrots and anchovies. Ooh yeah, it was sweet and yummy.

 And here as my side, I had some carrots and kimchi tossed in Korean gochujang wrapped in lettuce. Yum!

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