Friday, 9 March 2012

Red Bean Rice turned Porridge

I wanted to make steamed rice with red beans initially, just like the Japanese. They call it Sekihan and it looks so pretty that I *being a rice-hater* was intrigued to give it a go anyway. But I forgot that rice takes longer than a mere 45min to cook. So, I couldn't wait as usual I took it out earlier because I didn't want my soup to be cold. *sigh, should hv just left it boiling in the stove*
Anyway, it wasn't such an utter disapooinment because I had a bowl of thick porridge instead and it was not bad really. Mixed with my sweet beetroot soup, it tasted magnificient. Finished off my spinach tonight to make room for some new vege which I will stock up with tomorrow.

 By the time it got to 6pm, the sky turned dark already and so, my photos weren't as nice and brightly lit as yesterday. Sigh..Ah well..At least I brought something to the table anyway~

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