Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Yeast Away!

Had been itching to touch yeast again since like FOREVER! Finally, I made it come true when I just thought of making a biga for a day. Biga is basically a dough starter for bread, it makes the bread more flavoursome since more time was left for the yeast to leaven. Uhm--yummay. I never tried it a dough starter before, and since I'm not in any rush to be baking the bread, I thought I just take it slow. 
Made the dough starter *no photos* then added the rest of the bread ingredients as usual, to it and left it for another day to proof. With kneading of course.. And this is how it looked like..

Ahh..my pride was reassured with the looks of the air pockets..No over-kneading and just nice :)

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