Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Soup for Better Sleep.

Since I've been woken up in the middle of night for a number of times I can barely count because they were too numerous, I took my mother's advice to make this cordyceps soup to help me sleep better. Couldn't add veggies in it, since it's "herbal" and it should not "interact" with other cooling components. So, it was just the typical chinese herbs, dates, dried figs, wolfberries and cordyceps soup.

And for my main dish, I had baked eggs with leek and green peppers and steamed broccoli with cottage cheese. Tried it for the first time, and gotta say cottage cheese would taste nicer with spring onions or something that tastes STRONG since the cheese doesn't provide much taste anyway except for a slightly creamy taste. THAT'S ALL.

P.S: THe soup didn't help me sleep better.

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